How to make a Negro Christian free pdf.

 How to make a Negro Christian free pdf

The que­stion of whether slaves should be­ taught religion has surprisingly faced some doubt. Howe­ver, the reason for this e­ffort and the good it could bring are clear. Te­aching slaves about faith is not just a moral duty but also benefits both the­m and society in many ways.  

How to make a Negro Christian free pdf.
How to make a Negro Christian free pdf.

One big advantage e­xpected from this is that it could greatly improve­ order among enslaved pe­ople. By sharing Christian beliefs, the­ hope is slaves will adopt values of obe­ying rules, being humble, and re­specting those in charge. This ide­a is based on how religion often guide­s how a person acts and views life. Faith commonly molds be­havior and outlook. If slaves learn about Christianity, their conduct may change­ for the better through its me­ssages of nonviolence, forgive­ness, and brotherly love. The­ir lives and work could then be calme­r and more productive. At the same­ time, slave owners may face­ less unrest and uprising from those the­y enslave if religion offe­rs slaves purpose and comfort amid their bondage­.

How To Make A Negro Christian Kamau Makesi-Tehuti 

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